I Vow To Always Love You
There are many landmark occasions to any relationship from the first time you met to the first date. How about the first kiss, the first time you say "I love you"? Then comes the moving in together, the engagement, and finally, the wedding. So many exciting and memorable moments. What happens after a few months, years, or decades into your marriage? Is the magic lost!?
Of course not! But you do need to find new ways to show your love.
It could be as simple as one partner washing dishes after the other has had a long day at work. Maybe finish a bottle of wine while you two build a pillow and blanket forte and reminisce about your wedding day. Another way to express your love is to renew the vows you took when you first got married.
You may be asking yourself, "why would I want to renew my vows?"
Well, let me help you with that;
Life changes and so do your commitments and promises to each other. You have grown together as a couple but your priorities might have changed and deem new aspects of your love to be more important now than when you were first married. It is good to embrace change and creating new vows will reinforce that your love is still standing strong.
How many years have you been together? 5? 10? 30? You have been together all this time, and through the years you may have had a family or gain new friends. These people have been apart of your journey and renewing your vows can be a meaningful way to fortify your love.
It could just be to shout at the tops of your lungs that you are still, deeply, truly, and madly in love with the same person. The most important thing for you is to let your partner know that. How romantic would that be?
Whether you decide to renew your vow in a big way or sipping a glass of wine alone, it is a sure way to keep the magic alive.